
31 Edited wacaco minipresso.
30 Ajouté NOEL du PETIT SAPIN (fr), publié par deva press. Edited identity websites.
23 Edited indieweb camp utrecht & next cloud.
22 Added indieweb camp utrecht.
21 Added esch/uelzecht (ࢃࢃࢁ). big town blues has beeen reviewed in Stride. Edited wacaco minipresso.
19 Added wacaco minipresso.
12 Ajouté LA BONNE CONFITURE DE MADAME ECUREUIL (fr), publié par deva press.
11 Ajouté LES DEUX BONSHOMMES DE NEIGE (fr), publié par deva press. Edited on hearing of the death of the grand duke’s dad.
10 Ajouté LES DEUX CANETONS (fr), publié par deva press.
9 Added exchange 2016 CU12. Edited on hearing of the death of the grand duke’s dad.
6 Edited swlc :: goals, issues, & usage.
5 Ajouté DIDIER AUX SPORTS D’HIVER, publié par les beaux–films. Edited on hearing of the death of the grand duke’s dad. Updated the swlc zip file.
4 Ajouté deva press série 6. Edited on hearing of the death of the grand duke’s dad.
3 Edited on hearing of the death of the grand duke’s dad.
1 Ajouté deva press série 31. Edited on hearing of the death of the grand duke’s dad and deva press and copyright. Remade the diapositive photos.