french classes
6 2 9
see nerd) log
I've been attending various languages classes, to improve my Foreign. Since autumn, I've been consolidating my French in a conversation class.
It turns out I can thoroughly prattle in French. Don't take my word me: one of my fellow students, Lily Brown, wrote me this little ditty. She made me promise to post it here, too. My ego won the conflict with my reticence over that, so voila! Ok, so I was told I was awful at languages at school, & I love this kind of trumpmanship, even served warm, so posting it was a dead cert.. :-)
In my French class a man called Dylan
To be our spokesman he is quite willin'
When he's there it is easy for us
'Cos he can prate without any fuss
What a talented man he is
For at poetry he is a whizz
Appearance wise he is fairly arty
I bet he would be the life of a party
Apart from English, he has French and Dutch
Am I rabbiting on too much
Please accept my limerick to you
and continue to speak as you do
To be absolutely honest, I probably should have been in the next class up. But I really do lack confidence in languages, and I needed the boost of success to motivate me to keep working at the French. This I've now got. And now (thanks Lily), I can come back to it.
I did enjoy the classes. I hope I didn't hog the conversation too much. Thanks to everyone who was in the group; I shall remember it, and you, fondly. I didn't collect nearly contacts, idiotically.

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