
31 Edited my annual news majig & ending dishonoured.
30 Added ending dishonoured.
29 Added https certification.
28 Edited starting dishonoured.
27 Added starting dishonoured.
26 Added escher poetry [P] :: (i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), & (vii).
25 Added parc :: (xxxv).
23 Edited honey bee [I] :: (iv). Recorded honey bee :: [H], [I] (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi), & [J]. Assembled honey bee :: [I] into a new arts & ego podcast episode.
22 Added & edited this year’s annual news majig, somewhat early. Updated my arts CV.
19 Added information about the forthcoming university of luxembourg reading circle.
16 Edited the vault introduction.
15 Added saarburg.
13 Noted forthcoming university of luxembourg reading circle.
9 Revoked my old gpg public key.
8 Added new gpg public key.
7 Added papers.
2 Added honey bee :: [G] (ix). Edited honey bee :: [G] (iv), (v) & (vii). Recorded all honey bee :: [G], and assembled them into a new arts & ego podcast episode.