esch–an–der–alzet (vii)

image: First image of Escher Déierepark, from the fotogruppe 'esch–an–der–alzet (vii)'.

image: Second image of Escher Déierepark, from the fotogruppe 'esch–an–der–alzet (vii)'.

image: Third image of Escher Déierepark, from the fotogruppe 'esch–an–der–alzet (vii)'.

image: Fourth image of Escher Déierepark, from the fotogruppe 'esch–an–der–alzet (vii)'.

image: Fifth image of Escher Déierepark, from the fotogruppe 'esch–an–der–alzet (vii)'.

image: Sixth image of Escher Déierepark, from the fotogruppe 'esch–an–der–alzet (vii)'.