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Walkful Thoughts

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image: cover photo

In sequence

The Poem

Moon Shadowed Walk
[Industrial Minimal]
The Poem

Thirty Hours Near The Western Isles
The Poem

Working For...
The Poem

And Death Shall Have No Dominion (MP3)
Poem by Dylan Thomas

I Left My Cat In San Francisco

Rain And The Tyrants
Poem by Jules Superville
Translated by David Gasgoyne


Box Number
The Poem

Walkful Thoughts

Rock (Of The Early Eight) Is
The Poem

The music on this site is in Real Media format. Hidden somewhere on their tawdry site is a free player. Fetch it, and provided you have a 28.8K modem, or better, sound card and speakers, you can hear it. Recent versions of Microsoft Media Player cannot play Real Media music.

But, because it can be streamed through old modems, this format offers dreadful sound quality. Disk space permits me to offer one high quality MP3 recording per collection. If you want all tracks in high quality, or to encourage me to create more, you should buy an audio CD from me. Since this is a BlueBook gold disk (!), it may not play on older CD players.

This music was originally recorded using Deluxe Music on a Commodore Amiga. Although it was good technology for its time, it's a bit crap now. Don't expect normal top notch modern "CD Quality" - but the sound is still one hell of a lot better than that the Real Media recordings available here for free. This is why the CDs are available at a cheap price. Ouch.

Buy a CD .

Unless otherwise stated, these works are written and performed by Dylan Harris.

cyberspace services limited has ceased trading
this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris