7pm, 26th October 2010: Jerome Rothenberg with Kazim Ali
Jerome Rothenberg with Kazim Ali
The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, Metro Pont Neuf or Odéon
7pm, 26th October 2010
Jerome Rothenberg is an internationally known poet with over eighty books of poetry and several assemblages of traditional and avant-garde poetry such as Technicians of the Sacred, Shaking the Pumpkin, Revolution of the Word, and Poems for the Millennium, (volumes 1 and 2, with Pierre Joris). A Book of Witness, his twelfb05;h book of poems from New Directions, appeared in 2003, and a thirteenth book, Triptych, appeared in 2007. His second collection of literary essays, Poetics & Polemics 1980-2005, appeared at the end of 2008, and new books of poems scheduled for 2009 and 2010 include Gematria Complete, Concealments & Caprichos, and Retrievals: Uncollected & New Poems 1955-2010.
7pm, 28th September 2010: Rufo Quintavalle, Vivienne Vermes, Dylan Harris
Rufo Quintavalle, Vivienne Vermes, Dylan Harris
The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, Metro Pont Neuf or Odéon
7pm, 28th September 2010
Rufo Quintavalle was born in London in 1978, studied at Oxford and the University of Iowa, and now lives in Paris where he is an active member of the Anglo literary scene. He is the author of the chapbook, Make Nothing Happen (Oystercatcher, 2009). His work was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and he is one of the invited poets for the 2011 Biennale Internationale de la Poésie en Val de Marne.
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