POETS LIVE opens their 2013/14 reading season

with poets: David Barnes, Bibi Jacob and Fiona Sze-Lorrain

When: Tuesday, September 17
Where: Carrs Pub, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, 75001 Paris
Mtro: Tuileries or Concorde
Drinks upstairs at the bar from 7 p.m. Poetry downstairs at 7.30 sharp, please!

David Barnes is a British psychotherapist, teacher, poet and short-story writer who has lived in Paris since 2003. His prose explores relationships and his poetry ranges from love poetry to humour to polemic. He founded and hosts the hugely popular SpokenWord Paris open mic series - see spokenwordparis.org - and The Other Writers Group at Shakespeare and Co. He is the Editor of The Bastille magazine and was the Prose Editor of Strangers in Paris: New Writing Inspired by the City of Light. He won Shakespeare & Company’s short story competition Travel in Words in 2006. He has been published in Upstairs at Duroc, Spot Lit Magazine, 34th Parallel, Retort Magazine and elsewhere.

Bibi Jacob studied literature at Kings College, Cambridge and theatre at the Ecole Jacques Lecoq, Paris. Having worked as a diamond messenger, busker, storyteller, tutor and theatre performer, she is now settled in the City of Light as a voice actor. Her writing has appeared in issue.ZERO, The Bastille, Paragram, Belleville Park Pages and on the &#fb02;ash&#fb01;ction.it website. She regularly performs her work and her Poets Live reading marks the launch of her chapbook, Glittery City.

Fiona Sze-Lorrain writes and translates in English, Chinese and French. Born in Singapore, she grew up in a hybrid of cultures and studied in the UK and the US before obtaining her PhD from Paris IV-Sorbonne. Her &#fb01;rst collection of poetry, Water the Moon, appeared in 2010 and her latest collection, My Funeral Gondola, came out this spring. In addition to her four books of translation of contemporary Chinese poets and her prose translations of Hai Zi, she has translated Romanian-born French poet Ghrasim Luca and American poet Mark Strand. She is the co-editor of several anthologies and the co-founder of Cerise Press and a contributing editor to M€noa. With Gao Xingjian, she co-authored Silhouette/Shadow: The Cinematic Art of Gao Xingjian. She currently works as an editor at Vif ditions, Paris. Also a zheng harpist, she has performed worldwide. Her CD, In One Take, was released in 2010. &#fb01;onasze.com

Next POETS LIVE reading will be October 15, 2013.