03 2020 04 2020 terres–rouges escher blummen wëlle Blumme vuMinettsgéigend wood wood wood a beautiful daywith a 50mm lens flat fit exercise inthe lockdown bos van de escherrode landen bois terres rouges dansle soleil beau wood wood wood bësch vier Fotogruppevu Minettsgéigend while we can snappingthe redlands wood a backlit wood witha petzval lens, again fermé! la frontièrenationale est fermé! closed countries haveclosed their borders L …and photography the crow flu willchange my photos …and poetry lumbering towardscrow flu poetry when backups fail even those whobackup religiously … L L avec un nouveauobjectif petzval terres rouges a backlit woodwith a petzval lens his contradictory manipulative jabber escher poetry [U] … followed bya small boy poem death will never be your companion escher poetry [T] (vii) a set of sevencowboy poems terres rouges a backlit wood witha deguerrotype lens face–off it’s very difficultnot to face touch not the crow flu I really should notcall it the ‘crow flu’ photographer x Dans les montagnesde la Suisse? corporate piracy faceboot, goggle,earn by piracy 02 2020