03 2023 4 2023 Can you spotthe connections? installation The Actress andThe Bishop an NMS pub simple bases,many galaxies typical bases an older basebuilt on an archive NMS: flughaven my latest, aco–working space NMS: cowork a recent base,a small theatre an NMS theatre this old base will last, I like the light NMS: hyades my oldest survivingbase, three–bridged NMS: crowland the last oldbase I recorded NMS: escher my first base,before deletion NMS: ipcress a few imagesfrom deleted bases NMS: departed somewhere toslaughter sentinals filthy goals an older base,a poster gallery NMS: euclid on when i tried tolearn how to clean unclean freedom to live vs.freedom to kill freedom i’m exhibiting inesch–sur–alzette’s nuit de la culture a poetry collectionout in april flowers of esch watching thecavalcade esch/uelzecht watching thecavalcade esch/uelzecht watching thecavalcade esch/uelzecht 02 2023