This website has seen heavy traffic growth over the last few months. This is down to three things:
(i) an annoying indexing engine that isn't labelling itself as an index engine; normally indexing isn't including in traffic reports;
Lots of plays of "flock state"? Poetry might not sell, but music does. I've decided to see if this might work. So I've produced a properly, if crudely, mastered version of flock state, with some further minor remixing, and am posting it for sale on iTunes, emusic, etc.. It actually appears online by my brothers birthday, December 8th.
I spent a couple of weeks posting CDs for review. I've had no reviews. I have had generally positive comments from friends and colleagues, but would they say if they didn't like it? (I would, but I'm a deflective bastard).
This activity is really an attempt to get over music stuckism; I'm stuck on flock state and need to get rid of it before I can move on and approach more music.