chapbooks content

20.0v the dead cat blues
waterford fronts   argument after   dog & sand   dog sample days   gwynedd on   ierland is geen belgië 1 2   my father was a ufo   no pit is not no clay   small lives you just don’t expect the dead cat blues meet the kitties   citroën ds   talen

20.0u bremen
bremen (i) (ii) (iii)image: uses powerful language (iv)   Sprache   succes   Animal Magnetism   fora   instead of Shakespeare   ten   satoriial   and then there’s the mediocre mouths   swan   (fallen)   collective nouns

20.0t autumn
C++ _1_ _2_ _3_ _4_ _5_ _6_ _7_   dragons   Higg’s Boson   generational   restaurant wall   autumn

20.0s mechelen
advocate   cathedral level court court   the deep crash remains   –ine   luxembourg (i) (ii)   player 1 2 3   this ‘bright‘ life   mechelen sound shoot scene shine

20.0r dye–de–ho
dye–de–ho   if she dresses   paper the daily mail the daily express the sun the times the daily telegraph the guardian the independent   beans   bug cracked   demo   1.1.6

20.0q antwerp
antwerp (i) 0 1 2 image: uses powerful language 3 4   antwerp (ii) schelde foot tunnel tram lines new city so many bars talking poetry for pete’s sake image: uses powerful language   antwerp (iii)   antwerp (iv) 1 2

20.0p tension nitro ego
clip monopoly   lines stride yellow   5.5.5   dim him an ignore   tension nitro ego   red   chuff or that’s why the fragging counterstrike   & beer &   broken the night across   drawn   Why The Black Background?   confidence began   Galveston tonight   upset   movie stamp & splash akin   puzzle so   you beautiful cascade   from Sappho

20.0o church is dangerous vital
7 ak na co qi 2 ux   afterword   christmas card poem   cold pity   food studio   peered   church is dangerous vital   pit air G   balance still accelerando

20.0n tin rush
tin rush po ba fi vo pp ti fuimage: uses powerful language ni ag av ee hu ei xu

20.0m the A rush
angle   the A rush r (ii) r (i) o h e d c a   entangled   A14

20.0l an engineering rush (ii)
an engineering rush (ii) jumbo crash time defect less immensities paper rewind light here quanta humanic the A rush

20.0k Miss Demeanour
remembering the slits   lou reed   Dog Sound   8.11.3   bacon   Epigrams The West Al–Qaida Islam Science   when the morons declared war   look rich apple grows   fifty year guess   english garden

20.0j flock state
in the name of   flock state past create new killer our fear strike pale epigram on the USA kinder military fifth say victory impossible and on the ninth day… oh there   final tv big   fuddle   i’m a gorgonzola   core   On Visiting San Francisco   intelligence still booting   watch the desire of love to exist

20.0i be infinity
a then   garden   Instructions For A Common Ceremony   oh dear what a pity there there   workahol   her ran   On The Sonnet   shrines   i am perfect its the universes fault   The Cause Of War   scratby   england corrupted   early winter rose   ghost   server room   To Let   be infinity   the washer machine broke   We Drunken Here

20.0h Namings
Namings America Bedford Cambridge Catford Keighly Manchester Milton Keynes Norfolk Sandy

20.0g nation six dog
easter sunday   Don’t Understand   Water   northumberland   nation six dog   Regrow   At Buckfast Abbey   in cynic adverati   green   Fugues Fugues More Fugues Pop Fugues   when the trains first came   Before The Bush War

20.0f uncivil law
uncivil law introduction centuries age injustice complexity money smirk flame magistrates wrong invention scotland criminal democracy consent piano parliament citizen bones bailiff health maid blackbox 53 fear

20.0e dead write
still biting glist 1 2 3 4   Underneath The Loch discard 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8   dead write

20.0d chase chase
bathroom spider   Elsewhen   Hence The Coldness   Fear In Flight, God 1 2   Thoughts On Odes To Nightingales   the three monks   Neil Armstrong Is My Explorer Of The Millennium   Tobacco’s Such A Treat   The Queen Of Santa Fe   Sharp   old man Keats   A Bicycle Criticises Concorde For Not Observing Butterflies   chase chase

20.0c an engineering rush (i)
an engineering rush (i) new scientist a song so dire the argument another bitch homework hymnen recreated arts the game oh godsimage: uses powerful language rushed off unanswering

20.0b … a much for we …
gentle   New Year’s Eves   I Don’t Visit My Mother’s Grave   What Do Lemmings Eat?   We, The Fell   … a much for we …   … And Then I’ll Break The Sea   An Eighteenth Century Beam Engine   later   It’s My Hands   Intruder Alert   My Difficult With Melancholy   i’d prefer to remember summer   A Simple Fantasy   Sweet And Stupid   Software Engineering 1 2 3

20.0a The Joy Of Tax
The Joy Of Tax   the clarion lord pisswater’s clarion beer and pindar damn the clarion little diddems Scared Of Spiders Papers bigot reinforcement   China Poem   poetry push pop select techno what Copyleft pah! early a   Scorpion

19.9c Inn
I Saw A Sleek Seduction   Driving The Trees   Inn   On Being A Nerd   Expanding Horizons   Doris's Day Out   An Ode To My Ego   Am Lemming   A Well–Kept Pint of Burton   Grey   Slough, Pronounced In French, Is ‘Slug’

19.9b Swoop
Swoop 1 2 3 4 5   Home Town   Her Catching Eyes   Bright

19.9a An Ode To The A14
Accelerating Is Language English   It Must Be Christmas   The Pub Quiz League   Lost Sanctuary   An Ode To The A14   Tring   Old Funeral Music   Chance Is Such A Scornful God   Of Caroline   The Trumpet Blown   Why I Prefer Schoenberg   Fenland Sketch 1 2 3 4

19.8c Rose
Box Number   “Smoke Filled Rooms”   Five Days   Inmos   Plumstead Station By Electric Light   Is It Coffee In The Blood?   But It’s For The Children…   M6   Angst Cycle The Door Father Why Is England So Full Of Fools (untitled) letter   Rose   In Another Conversation   Moon Shadowed Walk   Debugging   Laughter Rose Above My Tired Desire   Cavity Wall Insulation

19.8b Hymnen
Hymnen Technical Note If Teaser Machine Solo α Converse Man Solo Machine Solo β

19.8a Darmstadt
Nursery Verse For Nursery Heads   Darmstadt   Cheese and Onion Sandwiches   Sunlit Gloom   North Of Kylesku   Chopin And The Chilli Wars   Limericks   Too Fast To Stop   Scenes From A Blackpool Conference Dog Sea After Eighteen Months After Silent Years   Guinness   ici, pour les enfants   Leicester Square   These Words, They Were Not Said   Working For …

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