
Image: Martin Rebas

Martin Rebas

The actively–maintained bilingual site of Martin Rebas is attractive and well put–together. It’s good to encounter a personal site that seems to be alive and still loved. Furthermore, it’s being going since 1995, or earlier, longer than arts & ego, dammit. This site is the kind of site I really want to find: genuine competition. In fact, in many respects, it’s better than here—but then, the guy’s written his own CMS, so it really ought to be top notch.

Martin is an illustrator with a powerful visual sense of humour and a penchant for caricature. He’s a developer too, concentrating on web technologies, which helps explain the quality of this site.

I think my one criticism is navigation. The site has got a great deal of material, but I can find no index. There is a sophisticated search interface, but that doesn’t give shape to the content. On the other hand, a valid criticism of arts & ego is the lack of search interface (I deliberately leave that to the big guys), so perhaps I’m criticising from a poison chair. Beyond the absent indices, the navigation is clear and easy: it’s professional.