
january 2019

image: concrete text abused my dad’s opinions on educating girls was :-(

educating girls

image: concrete text abused how we celebrated christmas in my childhood

an anglo krimble

image: damage wave who am i, what is this website? (rewritten)

who am i

image: concrete text abused the best, the beautiful phone os, is a corpse

windows phone

image: concrete text abused i continue to enjoy j h prynne’s poetry


image: concrete text abused why irish weather remains the best

irish weather

image: concrete text abused the symbolism of a political handshake


image: concrete text abused my theories on why faceboot is failing

facebook falls

image: concrete text abused a slow review of these headphones

jabra halo

image: concrete text abused a question i foolishly answered


image: economic chart the European economies grow faster than the US


image: concrete text abused what are my chances of getting work in Belgium


image: concrete text abused what to do to look less like an American tourist?

avoiding attention

image: concrete text abused borders in europe often change


image: concrete text abuse why i copy my posts elsewhere here
