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The Chem32S control draws chemicals from .MOL, .RXN or .TGF files. It can be used to communicate with chemical editors, including those which do not conform to OLE standards. The control can also communicate with Modgraph Consultants' Ltd. mainframe hosted Structure Server, and be used to upload, download, search and analyse the large chemically-intelligent database.

The control supports many Events, Methods and Properties including most of the standard MFC ones. In order to work effectively with existing chemical editors, the control supports Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), both as client and server. It can also launch and manipulate executables. This enables your applications to, for example, launch an editor and exchange information with it.

Because it can be used to launch other programs, this control should not be used on Web pages.

Version 2.1.15, 1st May 2001

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