7pm, 28th September 2010: Rufo Quintavalle, Vivienne Vermes, Dylan Harris

Rufo Quintavalle, Vivienne Vermes, Dylan Harris
The Highlander, 8 rue de Nevers, Metro Pont Neuf or Odon
7pm, 28th September 2010
Rufo Quintavalle was born in London in 1978, studied at Oxford and the University of Iowa, and now lives in Paris where he is an active member of the Anglo literary scene. He is the author of the chapbook, Make Nothing Happen (Oystercatcher, 2009). His work was recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize, and he is one of the invited poets for the 2011 Biennale Internationale de la Posie en Val de Marne.
His poems have appeared in Barrow Street, Versal, Tears in the Fence, Great Works, Shadowtrain, The Wolf, The London Magazine, MiPOesias and elimae. He is on the editorial board for the literary magazine, Upstairs at Duroc and is currently acting poetry editor for the prize-winning webzine, Nthposition. About Rufo, poet Todd Swifb05; writes: There is no other contemporary English poet quite like Quintavalle: from his extraordinary name (perhaps the most inherently exciting since “Ezra Pound”) to his exotically-imagined, deeply-thoughtful, ruefully witty, and sometimes very brief, poems, to his slightly marginalised location across the Channel, he represents a difb00;erent current - one that, should he continue to write as well over the next few years, will establish him, one hopes, as a key British poet of the 2010s.
Check out Rufos blog at rufoquintavalle.blogspot.com or visit Rewords at rewords.blogspot.com, an ongoing online collaborative writing project where hes an active participant.
Vivienne Vermes is a British writer and actress who has lived in Paris for thirty years. She has published three collections of poetry: Sand Woman (Rebus), and, with French poet Anne Mounic, Metamorphoses and Passages (LHarmattan). Her short story The Spaces in Houses was published in New Writing 9 (Vintage/British Council). She was winner of the Piccadilly Poets Award and The Mail on Sundays best opening of a novel competition. Her short stories and poems have appeared in numerous publications, including Paris-Atlantic, Pharos and The Times Literary Supplement. She has also recorded her poetry on a CD, When the World Stops Spinning. She has just completed her fb01;rst novel, set in Transylvania,The Barefoot Road, which is currently with a London agent.
She has read her poetry throughout Europe - in Slovenia, Greece, London, Austria, Italy, and most importantly, in The Highlander in Paris!
Dylan Harris is … yeah, yeah, Im running this place, Im reading, sounds like an ego trip, doesn’t it? Well, youre right; you want a reading, you sodding well set up your own series (actually, you want a reading, you got a book, you email me; no promises, obviously). I do this, I think it important I say where I am poetically. Anyway, the event thats most likely to go wrong is the fb01;rst, so Im my own guinea pig.
And I’ve got my book, antwerp, to launch in France.
full of vivacious, energetic poetry thats a shock to the ear and mind, a delight. And funny. (Maurice Scully)
The sonics are so projected and balanced that the words efb00;ect their own realisation. I think. (Peter Riley)
Dylan Harris is an investor a gate“opener an investigator. (Richard Berengarten).
I heard Dylan Harris read some of his work at a small caf in Cambridge and I suddenly had a life rafb05; thrown my way, I realised it was all about not grasping but letting go, it was not about trying to tease out meaning but bringing my own meaning to it. (Andrea Porter)
You want to know more about me and my poetry, go browse my website, dylanharris.org.