image: decorative space filler

image: decorative space filler


Dylan Harris

Dylan Harris lives in France. He read from his new book, antwerp, his Devon Garde CD, flock state, and other work.
Recording: part 1, part 2.

Kit Fryatt

Kit Fryatt lives in Ireland. She read from her new chapbook, Caoimhghin Shea and various legends and lyrics, and other work.
Recording: part 1, part 2.

Note: this event was cancelled at short notice. These recordings were made on May 3rd 2010 in Cambridge.

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wurm im apfel is Kit Fryatt.

unless otherwise stated, content on this site is © wurm im apfel.
the website is maintained by Dylan Harris.

image: decorative space filler

image: decorative space filler

the wurm im apfel & wurmfest recordings have moved here
this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978–2025 dylan harris