3.6.10Carrie EtterCHANGE OF VENUE to Jam Factory Cafe (details below). Carrie Etter is one of the most talented young poets at present working in a -- broadly conceived -- modernist idiom. Her first fully collection, The Tethers (2009), and her anthology of women's poetry Infinite Difference (2010), have both been widely and favourably reviewed. Carrie writes: "I am an American poet resident in England since 2001. Previously I lived in Normal, Illinois (till age 19) and southern California (from age 19 to 32). In the UK, my poems have appeared in, among others, New Welsh Review, Poetry Wales, Poetry Review, PN Review, Shearsman, Stand, and TLS, while in the US my poems have appeared in Aufgabe, Court Green, The Iowa Review, The New Republic, and many other journals. My first collection, The Tethers, was published by Seren Books in June 2009, and in March 2010 the anthology I edited, Infinite Difference: Other Poetries by UK Women Poets, was published by Shearsman Books. I am a Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing for Bath Spa University, where I have taught since 2004". More at carrieetter.blogspot.com. This performance was made possible with the kind support of Poetry Ireland. MP3s
Raven The Jam Factory Cafe
VENUE CHANGE: The Jam Factory Cafe, 134 James’s St, Dublin 8
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