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Six Months Ago We Were Ignored

Six months ago we were ignored
when we said to management
"throw out this trash, so badly flawed,
the author is incompetent".

"but no", they said, "we've paid our money,
and we never make mistakes".
Though their arses looked quite sunny
we left it for our pocket's sake.

But the seesaw came back up
when balance was restored.
Two people tried to patch things up,
and paid for being ignored.

Days and nights of overwork:
the advantages of youth!
I had to join this hellish spurt:
to make things user proof.

What I can do is less and less
as my age increases.
But I pushed me to my best
to please their holinesses.

But I would not burn me out
to line their fattened pockets,
yet they screeched with every shout
"How dare you hit our profits."

I had risked my mind for them,
I could have lost my soul,
but the bastards rang up when
I stopped to keep me whole.

"We cannot comprehend", they said,
"why you're not at work.
Who cares about your simple head,
our money has more worth."

I left their job to keep me sane;
I'm not that fond of money.
I'll never work for fools again,
but from me!

(c) 1999 Dylan Harris

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