of uncivil law

right justice
needs good law
and balanced judgement

well what else
how is justice right if law is crap
and all those things you're thinking of
listening all sides not taking bribes
consistency consequences
retribution mercy
how can balance be
without every one

good law's for parliament
that's another row

without water there is no ocean
without balance there is no justice

yet too many courts
don't announce a case
don't effort to hear defence
don't report decision
don't treat balance
as worth the cost of phoning up
and hearing each opinion

that's five pence
from their billionaire flow

there's no phone in
no email no fax no messaging

there's write to be ignored
as though the fifteenth century
had a stretch of sanity
and forced their judges to accept
king henry's mail
but the courts reneged
by casting written pleas
as dementia

so you can't defend
unless you're close enough
to smell the judge's arse

in court
how does where you are now
affect the facts then

if you're there
the prostitutes of barristering can interrogate
can leer at body language
can opine honesty

but why prevent
phone email fax messaging
why prevent so much expression of defence

is balance less important
than judges' arses

authorities proudly claim
in almost every money case
there is no defence
"so make your rampant accusations
on our network site"
i imagine them selling titanic tickets
"sail the ship see the ocean floor"

walking sticks and hobbled men
balance and justice
kick a stick a helpless man falls
kick defence justice fell

a simple means to say
could simply be accepted
it's quick to make the phone secure (the banks do it)
the net is cheaper than a day unworked to be in court
to smell a judge's arse

english civil law was broken
when phones became ubiquitous
fifty years ago

and for those who don't understand
than an alternative is not an obligation
yes i know not everyone has a phone
a mobile email the web fax
and whatever geek creations
make tomorrow strange
nor does everyone have a home
a postal address
yet the law assumes

and insists we all pretend
the snail
that inefficient polluting collapsing archaic
postal service
is perfection

email uses seconds and costs as zero
to translate the world
the post uses days
and costs infinitely more
to cross the road

if civil law had justice
all defenders would be heard
for fifty years and more
they've been abandoned
by these rotted rules

a life-length fail so significant
generations have been denied
the courts can't be arsed to fetch defence
nor permit its presentation in the manner of its time

this is more than mere rot
this is more than britain's culture of incompetence
english civil law's corrupt

image: poem




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