an engineering rush :: the antirant

i can't help but wonder

you see i foresee
the cry of fundamentalists every time
"thou shalt not see more than me
nor act upon it"

human life
is not the flesh and atoms occupied
but consciousness and be
we're a cloud of quantum chance
or could be virtual data
or whatever the geeks throw up tomorrow

to run a simulation
with consciousness contained
we must reply to questions
we howl at gods
anytime someone loved is died

if the great religious thinkers
can only offer consistent wishful thoughts
and the ethically whimpering
can only let their fear reply
by killing those with open eyes

then what can a comfortable poet
sitting in a bright english house
on a sunny august dawn

image: poem



new scientist
a song so dire
the argument
random luck
recreated arts
the game
rushed off
the anitrant

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris