bacon---be infinity---Bush War---The Cause Of War
---The Clarion-little diddems-Scared Of Spiders---core ---dead write---discard-1-2-3-4 -5-6-7-8---Dog Sound
---early winter rose ---easter sunday---Epigrams-On San Francisco-On The West---england corrupted ---fuddle ---Fugues-More Fugues-Pop Fugues---garden---ghost---glist-1-2 -3-4---her ran---i am perfect its the universes fault---Instructions For A Common Ceremony---intelligence still booting---Namings-America-Bedford-Cambridge-Catford-Keighly-Manchester-Milton Keynes-Norfolk-Sandy---nation six dog ---northumberland---oh dear what a pity there there---Poetry-pah!-early a---remembering the slits ---Reply---scratby---server room---shrines ---On The Sonnet---still biting---a then---To Let---uncivil law-bailiff-criminal-smirk-wrong---when the morons declared war ---when the trains first came---workahol---8.11.3---Top
…And Then I'll Break The Sea---bathroom spider---A Bicycle Criticises Concorde For Not Observing Butterflies---At Buckfast Abbey ---chase chase---China Poem ---The Clarion-lord pisswater's clarion-beer and pindar-damn the clarion---Damage---Don't---An Eighteenth Century Beam Engine---Elsewhen---an engineering rush-new scientist-a song so dire-the argument-another bitch-homework -hymnen-recreated arts-the game-oh gods -rushed off-unanswering---Epigrams-On Science-On Islam-On Al-Qaida-On The USA---Fear In Flight, God---Fugues-Fugues---gentle---green---harvest ---Hence The Coldness---A Horrible Day---On Hunting With Hounds---I Don't Visit My Mother's Grave ---in cynic adverati---In Me; Shiva---Intruder Alert ---It's My Hands ---The Joy Of Tax ---Just Protectionism?---later---Little Willie---London, 2K0---…a much for we…---My Difficulty With Melancholy ---Neil Armstrong Is My Explorer Of The Millennium---New Year's Eves ---old man Keats ---The Poet Illustrates… ---Poetry-push pop-select-techno-what-Copyleft---i'd prefer to remember summer---The Queen Of Santa Fe---Regrow -Manifesto-Father-Son -Program---Scorpion---Sharp---A Simple Fantasy---sod the world ---Software Engineering-1-2-3---Sweet And Stupid---There's Money In Mechanics---the three monks---Thoughts On Odes To Nightingales---Tobacco's Such A Treat---uncivil law (a rant in many parts)-centuries-age-injustice-complexity-money--flame-magistrates-invention-scotland-democracy-consent-piano-parliament-citizen-bones-health-maid-blackbox-fear---Underneath The Loch---Water-The Anger Of Water-Three Flawed-Viaduct-The Mere Of Ice---We, The Fell ---What Do Lemmings Eat---Top
Accelerating Is Language English---Am Lemming---Bright ---Chance Is Such A Scornful God ---Dedication---Doris's Day Out ---Don't Understand---Driving The Trees---Exercises (From A Cley Weekend)-Riddle-My Appreciation Of Schoenberg-(Untitled)-Family Photo Album---Expanding Horizons---A Fenland Poet's Advice---Fenland Sketches-1 -2-3-4 ---Grey---Her Catching Eyes ---Home Town---Lost Sanctuary ---Marketing Honour, Poetry Quality ---Obligatory Cat Poem---An Ode To My Ego---An Ode To The A14 ---Old Funeral Music---On Being A Nerd---The Pub Quiz League ---I Saw A Sleek Seduction---On Saying No---Slough, Pronounced In French, Is "Slug"---Starr From The Outside---Swoop-1-2-3 -4-5---Tring ---The Trumpet Blown ---A Village, Old Families-Introduction-Ceremony-Inn---Vanilla---A Well-Kept Pint Of Burton---Top
It Must Be Christmas---Leicester Station---Of Caroline ---Top
Angst Cycle-The Door-Father-I've Always Had Steep Mountains-Watford Gap-Why Is England So Full Of Fools -(Untitled)-Letter---…Bob Geldof ---Box Number ---But Its For The Children…---Cavity Wall Insulation---Cheese And Onion Sandwiches ---Chopin And The Chilli Wars ---Darmstadt ---Five Days ---Guinness ---Hymnen-[notes]-Technical Note-If-Teaser-Machine Solo α-Converse-Man Solo-Machine Solo β---ici, pour les enfants ---In Another Conversation---Is It Coffee In The Blood---Laughter Rose Above My Tired Desire---Leicester Square ---Limericks And Corks-There Was A Young Lady From Venus-A Newspaper Editor Said -I'm Sitting Upon This 'Ere Train-'twas Ten Years Ago To This Day-Cork---Manifesto ---Memories Of Shadows, Words---Moon Shadowed Walk ---North Of Kylesku ---November Rain---Nursery Verse For Nursery Heads---Plumstead Station By Electric Light---Rock (Of The Early Eight) Is ---Scenes From A Blackpool Conference-Dog Sea -After Eighteen Months-After Silent Years-Exhausted---"Smoke Filled Rooms" ---Sunlit Gloom ---These Words, They Were Not Said ---Thirty Hours Near The Western Isles ---Too Fast To Stop ---Touching Each Desire With Happy Jokes ---Wake Up, Wake Up, Oh Slippery Snake---Why Am I In Politics, You Ask (A Drunken Rant)---Working For ---You Know ---Top

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