
april 2K3 Underneath The Lock --- when the trains first came --- scratby --- gentle --- Top
dog sea At Buckfast Abbey --- The Queen Of Santa Fe --- Home Town --- An Ode To The A14image: published --- Inn --- Driving The Trees --- Leicester Station --- Leicester Squarepublishedset --- North Of Kyleskuset --- Dog Seapublished --- scratby --- Darmstadtpublished --- Fenland Sketches - 1published - 2 - 3 - 4may offend language bigots --- Top
fear in flight god … And Then I'll Break The Sea --- At Buckfast Abbeyimage: published --- An Eighteenth Century Beam Engine --- Fear In Flight, God --- Epigrams on Science --- I Don't Visit My Mother's Gravepublished --- Chance Is Such A Scornful Godpublished --- Home Town --- Old Funeral Music --- In Another Conversation --- But It's For The Children… --- ici, pour les enfantspublishedset --- Hymnen - [notes] - Technical Note - If - Teaserpublished - Machine Solo αpublished - Converse - Man Solopublished - Machine Solo βpublished --- shrines --- Top
hence the coldness A Bicycle Criticises Concorde For Not Observing Butterflies --- --- An Eighteenth Century Beam Engine --- Hence The Coldness --- chase chaseimage: may offend language bigots --- I Don't Visit My Mother's Gravepublished --- Intruder Alertpublished --- Just Protectionism? --- On Hunting With Hounds --- Scorpion --- There's Money In Mechanics --- We, The Fellpublished --- Am Lemming --- Grey --- Of Carolinepublished --- Nursery Verse For Nursery Heads --- Cavity Wall Insulation --- Swoop - 1 - 2 - 3may offend language bigots - 4 - 5 --- Top
it's my hands gentle --- It's My Handsimage: published --- New Year's Evespublished --- Don't Understand --- Her Catching Eyespublished --- Home Town --- I Saw A Sleek Seduction --- Lost Sanctuarypublished --- The Pub Quiz Leaguepublished --- Five Daysset --- There Was A Young Lady Called Venus --- These Words, They Were Not Saidpublishedset --- Top
old man keats …And Then I'll Break The Sea --- an engineering rush - homeworkimage: published --- gentle --- green --- Guinnesspublished --- Home Town --- Hymnen - [notes] - Technical Note - If - Teaser - Machine Solo α - Converse - Man Solo - Machine Solo β --- North Of Kyleskuset --- old man Keats --- The Queen Of Santa Fe --- Swoop - 1 - 2 - 3may offend language bigots - 4 - 5 --- Underneath The Loch --- Top
push pop push popimage: may offend language bigots --- Accelerating Is Language English --- Why I Prefer Schoenberg --- gentle --- Elsewhen --- Fugues --- green --- in cynic adverati --- … a much for we … --- Water - The Anger Of Water - Three Flawed - Viaduct - The Mere Of Ice --- Regrowpublished - Manifesto - Father - Sonpublished - Program --- select --- when the trains first came --- pah! --- Top
the trumpet blown My Difficulty With Melancholyimage: published --- Tobacco's Such A Treat --- Don't Understand --- An Ode To My Ego --- An Ode To The A14published --- The Trumpet Blownpublished --- Of Carolinepublished --- There Was A Young Lady From Venus --- Nursery Verse For Nursery Heads --- Working For --- Guinnesspublished --- Cheese And Onion Sandwichespublished --- the three monks --- Top
image: poetry




april 2K3
dog sea
fear in flight god
hence the coldness
it's my hands
old man keats
push pop
the trumpet blown

image: published published
image: set set
image: uses raw english euphemism free
image: translation translation

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris