Configurable technical poetry analysis:
- as you type or of existing material, in a clear and unobtrusive manner;
- offering analysis and comparative analysis of form and form elements, identifying similarities anywhere in the poem, highly frequent and / or unusual patterns of elements, and, if appropriate, matching text against form definition;
- offer as stand alone product; consider as plug-in to the horrible-to-use duopoly of Office and Open Office, if so support Word Perfect so users can chose a product that does what it's told (and I want to stay sane);
- saving standard formats plus import / export to other PoPros, ASCII, OpenDoc, HTML, XML, perhaps some common music software lyric formats, etc.;
- cliché spotter (which will rubbish much mainstream British poetry);
- provide poetry templates;
- add and / or play recordings of recitals of work;
- Construct for English, but support alternative locales throughout.
Editable form specifications and analysis:
- supporting all common poem forms and form elements including metre, rhythm, repetition, stanzas, rhyme, pararhyme, alliteration, and syllabics;
- consider performance factors including liaison (for problematic syllable sequences), punctuation, and explore directions for performers;
- generate form templates;
- support import / export.
Editable pronunciation dictionary:
- including but not limited to phonetic / syllable-count / rhythm / emphasis;
- search, including similarity search by form element and word meaning (by spelling and phonetically);
- alternative pronunciations;
- international, regional and historical accents;
- addition and modification of phonemes;
- offer import / export.
Relative semantics:
- include / reuse existing thesaurus data;
- offer simple editing of content;
- permit import / export, particularly of Princeton data.
Editable cliché dictionary:
- add, edit, remove clichés;
- provide import / export.
Secure online:
- update of product and new form, dictionaries, thesauruses (?), locales and templates;
- distribution of digitally signed work, identified by poet / title / first line / subject / form / poet's age / year / derivation, edited publications, help text, for version tracked community / collective / collaborative / copyleft work;
- local server able to control local redistribution & configure online rights (for schools).
Web site:
- wiki based, mainly to shunt the crap and cause debate;
- poetry indexing by poet / title / first line / subject / form / poet's age / year / derivation;
- encourage collaborative construction, & recordings;
- areas: edited, schools, "general" (end up full of drivel) and by invitation.
Given the average poet is computer illiterate, and the average user is poetry illiterate:
- include an introduction explaining the product's basic features and how to use it;
- offer detailed and comprehensive help, explaining the purpose of particular components, and overviews showing how items hang together;
- include detailed help, with examples, on poetry and technical poetry stuff, editable by the community (wiki).
Technical Requirements:
- operating system independent, specifically, must run on Windows, OS X and Linux;
- take advantage of multi-core CPU architectures.

arts & ego dish dosh
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