User: read only. All others can edit. Locale shown.
LHS alternatives of word/phrase;
RHS Definition of selected alternate.
Buttons: Connections… to Word Connections; Advanced… adds TABs below.
Advanced TABs:
TAB: properties (None, Euphemism, Cliché, Phrase, Adynaton, Kenning),
plus (article, adverb, adjective, noun, verb, etc.),
& season (none, spring, summer, autumn, winter, new year);
TAB: phonetic spelling, rhythm;
TAB: locale tree (grey for word not found at that point);
TAB: (not articles) contained in (list of phrases);
TAB: (noun only) plural (allow selection of modified);
TAB: (verb only) tense (allow selection of modifier per person per tense);
TAB: Pronunciation, stress, syllable count;
TAB: Specialisation (select/deselect, plus edit, add, rename, delete known specialisations, which have descriptions).

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