October 11th: Joint Reading with Ivy Writers: Lars Palm, Anna Arov, Megan Garr, Kate Foley, Sarah Ream, & Jane Lewty.
Oct 11th, 19h00 for 19h30, Le Next, 17 rue Tiquetonne (M Metro Etienne Marcel/ RER Les Halles).
For up-to-date information, browse the Ivy Writers blog.
Lars Palm lives in Malm. He has been publishing poems for 20 years & chapbooks for 10 years in Sweden, the USA, Canada, England, Scotland, Italy, Australia & Japan. His fb01;rst long book road song for was recently published by corrupt press. With his lovely wife Petra he had a photo & poetry exhibition & published two online chapbooks. He translates to & from Swedish, English & Spanish, sometimes as a part of the translators’ collective, & now small press, Kompassros. Poems of his have been translated into Spanish & Japanese. He might also say that he runs a small ungovernable press, works way too much for way too little pay, & enjoys cooking & travelling.
September 20th: Peter Hughes, Pearl Pirie and Bonny Finberg
19h00, Carr’s, 1 Rue du Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries
Peter Hughes is a poet, painter and the founding editor of Oystercatcher Press. He was based in Italy for many years and now lives on the Norfolk coast. He is the author of over a dozen books of poetry which include The Metro Poems, Paul Klees Diary, The Summer of Agios Dimitrios, Behoven and The Pistol Tree Poems. Nathan Thompson has described the latter as fb02;ickering, intense, innovative and utterly mesmerising’.
Pearl Pirie grew up in the wilds of the Ottawa Valley, Canada. She mashes rural sensibility with urban ventriloquist frost. Her second trade collection, Thirsts, was recently published by Snare Books. It won the Robert Kroetsch Award for innovative Poetry. Her fb01;rst full collection been shed bore came came out with Chaudiere Books in 2010. Her poetry has appeared in ditch, anthology 4 (canadian) (innovative poets) among other place. She has a micro press named phafours. She teaches workshops on poetry.
Pearl will launch her corrupt press chapbook, Mammals of Hoarfrost.
A native New Yorker, Bonny Finberg has traveled through Europe, India and Nepal. Her work has been translated into French, Japanese and Hungarian. Publisher’s Weekly said that her fb01;ction in Best American Erotica exudes a stunning sensual sensibility.” Her fb01;ction, poetry and reviews have been published in numerous journals and anthologies and online zines. Her poetry is included in the Outlaw Bible of American Poetry (Thundersmouth) and her fb01;ction in Evergreen Review, four Unbearables anthologies (Autonomedia) as well as Lost and Found: New York Stories from Mr. Bellers Neighborhood. She is a regular writer for A Gathering of Tribes and Sensitive Skin. She has written music reviews for The Brooklyn Rail which also published an excerpt of her novel Kalis Day. In Paris she has contributed to Le Purple Journal, Upstairs at Duroc, and Van Goghs Ear. Her chapbook of short stories, How the Discovery of Sugar Produced the Romantic Era is featured in the video 5 Guys Read Finberg. Her photography has been published in both print and online art journals and exhibits, including the group show A Book About Death at the Emily Harvey Gallery in NY; Seeking Kali; and A Gathering of Tribes Magazine. Her written work and visual art are archived in the “Downtown Writers” collection at the NYU Fales library. She lives in Paris and New York, and is working on her second novel.
Bonny will launch her corrupt press chapbook, Dja Vu.
August 23rd: Sarah Riggs, Claire Trvien, & Dylan Harris
19h00, Tuesday August 23rd, Carrs Pub, 1 rue Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries.
Sarah Riggs writes, teaches, translates and is currently making a fb01;lm entitled “H” set on the Hudson river, Brest, and the Isle of Skye. Her books of poetry in English are Waterwork (Chax), Chain of Minuscule Decisions in the Form of a Feeling (Reality Street), 60 Textos (Ugly Duckling), 36 Blackberries (Juge Editions) and the forthcoming Autobiography of Envelopes ( Burning Deck). Her co-translation of Oscarine Bosquet’s Present Participle is forthcoming with La Presse. Riggs has been an active member of Double Change, the bilingual poetry association, for the last 8 years, and is the founder of Tamaas, the word for a point of contact in Arabic. Tamaas has headed seven years of READ translation workshops in Paris, as well as projects in Tangier and Marrakech in poetry, fb01;lm, music, and visual art.
Claire Trvien was born in 1985 in Brittany and is a poet and PhD student. Her writing has been published in a variety of literary magazines including Under The Radar, Poetry Salzburg Review, Ink Sweat & Tears, The Warwick Review, Nth Position, and Fuselit. Her debut pamphlet Low-Tide Lottery was published this year by Salt Publishing. She is the editor of Sabotage Reviews.
Dylan Harris lives in Paris. His poetry books are europe and antwerp (wurm press), & his poetry / photography books are the smoke & the forthcoming the liberation of [placeholder] (The Knives, Forks and Spoons Press). His poetry has appeared in many magazines, including nthposition & Upstairs at Duroc. He recently started corrupt press.
July 12th: Cole Swensen, Lindsay Turner & Joe Ross
19h00, July 12th, Carr’s Pub, 1 rue Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries.
A native of the San Francisco Bay Area, Cole Swensen is the author of 13 books of poetry. Her next volume, Gravesend, is due out from the University of California in 2012, and a collection of essays, Noise that Stays Noise, is coming out in the University of Michigan’s “Poets on Poetry” series in the fall. A recipient of the National Poetry Series, the SF State Poetry Center Book Award, the PEN USA Award for translation, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and two Creative Capital grants, she is the founding editor of the translation press “La Presse” and co-directs an annual translation seminar at Reid Hall with Sarah Riggs. She divides her time among Paris, Washington DC, and Iowa, where she teaches in the Iowa Writers’ Workshop.
Lindsay Turner holds a Masters degree in fb01;lm studies from Universit Paris III and an MFA in poetry from New York University. Her poetry and criticism have appeared in WebConjunctions, The Boston Review, Harvard Review, The Kenyon Review online, and elsewhere. In the fall, she will begin a PhD at the University of Virginia.
Author of twelve books of poetry, Joe Ross was born in Pennsylvania and graduated magna cum laude from the Honors Program at Temple University in Philadelphia. In 2004, he and his wife moved to Paris, where their two children were born, and where he continues to publish while working as an educator and translator. His most recent titles are: Strati (Bi-lingual Italian/English, La Camera Verde, 2007); FRACTURED// Conections (Bi-lingual Italian/English, La Camera Verde, 2008); Strata (Dusie Press, 2008) and Wordlick (Green Integer, 2011).
June 28th: Rufo Quintavalle, Colin Herd & Suzanne Allen, with Meghan McNealy
19h15, 28th June at Carrs Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries.
SPECIAL EVENT: The French launch of Rufo Quintavalle’s fb01;rst collection, Dog, cock, ape and viper, the global launch of Suzanne Allen’s chapbook, Verisimilitude, and the French launch of Colin Herd’s fb01;rst collection too ok. What a feast!
June 14th: Pierre Joris, Sylvia Mae Gorelick and Miles Joris-Peyrafitte
19h15, 14th June, Bar Long Island, 47 rue Washington, M George V. THIS IS OUR ALTERNATIVE VENUE.
Pierre Joris most recent publications are his translation of The Meridian: Final Version”Drafb05;s”Materials by Paul Celan. (Stanford U.P. 2011), Canto Diurno #4: The Tang Extending from the Blade (poems) as a 2010 Ahadada eBook, Justifying the Margins: Essays 1990-2006 and Aljibar I & II (poems). He is working with Habib Tengour on Diwan Ifb00;rikya: An Anthology of North African Writings from Prehistory to Today, to be published in 2012 by University of California Press. Later this year Chax Press will bring out the complete Mediations on the Stations of Mansur al-Hallaj (poems).
May 10th: Jennifer K Dick, Greg Santos and George Vance
19h15, 10th May at Carr’s Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries.
THIS EVENT IS SPECIAL! Jen will launch Betwixt, her new chapbook. George will launch A SHORT CIRCUIT, his fb01;rst poetry collection. Both are published by the new Paris poetry publisher, corrupt press. Greg will bring along The Emperor’s Sofa, which he made earlier.
April 12th: Nicole Peyrafitte, William Strangmeyer, David Barnes
19h15, 12th April, Bar Long Island, 47 rue Washington, M George V. THIS IS A CHANGE OF VENUE. Some bugger booked Carrs for a week!
Nicole Peyrafb01;tte is a performance artist born and raised in the French Pyrenees. She considers herself a Gasco-Rican (1/2 Gascon, 1/2 American) & citizen of Brooklyn. Peyrafb01;tte pursues related multi-cultural and multi-media investigations that integrate her voice, texts, visuals and also cooking. She has two CDs out: The Bi-Continental Chowder /La Garbure Transcontinentale 2006 & Whisk! Don’t Churn! 2009. Visit her website for blog/videos and more: www.nicolepeyrafb01;
Sample poems: January 2010 Golden Evasion, January 7th, 2010 ” For & W/ Georgia OKeefb00;e
William Walrond Strangmeyer was born in Roanoke, Virginia, and grew up in Brooklyn, New York, and Brofus, New Jersey, where he went to Rutgers University, starting out as a classics major, changing to musicology and fb01;nishing with an abnormal psychology, all of which he declined to follow up or to practice. He has worked in many difb00;erent fb01;elds of endeavor, including amusement parks, banks, book stores, cinema, door-to-door sales, restaurants, retail sales, taxi driving, telephone sales, warehouses and as a tour guide and was also co-editor of Upstairs at Duroc, a literary review, blowing his chances at working-class hero status. A thirty-four-year resident of Paris, he now earns his living as an English language trainer and translator.
He is the author of several volumes of poetry (all slim), his other principal interests being various forms of boxing, bull fb01;ghting and old music. He is Archon of Paris for the Moorish Orthodox Church and a member of various other organizations embracing a few essential beliefs and having even fewer doctrines. He has two young daughters and is thus in touch with the needs, desires and tendencies of today’s teens and pre-teens.
He has read all over Paris over the years, including every year with the original incarnation of this series.
His main infb02;uences are science fb01;ction, doo-wop music and a mis-spent youth, along with the usual Eliot, Pound, Wallace Stevens, Poe, Catullus, Larkin, Elroy, Doctor Seuss, Beaudelaire and also Emmylou Harris, Roy Jones Jr., Leonard Cohen, Fedor Emilianenko, Bartok and Roy Orbison.
His motto this year is, All dust is gold, but sometimes he forgets.
David Barnes grew up in the Thames Valley in England in the 70s and 80s. He escaped to Manchester University where he successfully ignored any desire to write for 6 years. He started writing poetry as an adult in the mid 90s and started writing short stories a few years before settling in Paris in 2003, where he created and runs The Other Writers’ Group at Shakespeare and Company and SpokenWord, a weekly open mic poetry series. He won Shakespeare & Company’s Travel in Words prize in 2006 with a short story and has published short stories in 34th Parallel Magazine and Spot Lit Magazine. He has a poem in the current issue of Upstairs at Duroc and edited Strangers in Paris: An Anthology of New Writing inspired by the City of Light, which will be out in the summer. He is also an editor with issue.ZERO magazine which brought out an issue this winter. He currently divides his time between a Masters in psychotherapy, writing short stories and poetry and a day job teaching English and creative writing so that he has enough money to feed himself and his cat and do everything else.
Sample poems: The 2 a.m. high, Septembers, The Corporate Goldfb01;sh.
Simon Smith, Kerry Featherstone & Helen Cusack O'Keeffe
19h30, 15th March at Carr’s Pub & Restaurant, 1 rue du Mont-Thabor, M Tuileries.
Simon Smith was born in 1961 and ran the Poetry Library in London from 2003-2007. He now lectures on poetry at The University of Kent. There are four full-length collections of poetry, the latest is London Bridge (Salt, 2010). In 2009 he was a Hawthornden Fellow, and has translated and published work by Pierre Reverdy, Apollinaire, Catulllus and Martial. He is presently completing a translation of Catullus for Carcanet Press. Here are some of Simon’s poems.
Kerry Featherstone was born in Lincolnshire, read English and European Literature at the University of Essex, and then completed a PhD on Bruce Chatwin at Nottingham Trent University. He now works as a Lecturer in Creative Writing at Loughborough University. He spent a year living in the Vendee and another living in Belfort, and has also spent time in the Limousin and in Paris. He writes in French and English (sometimes in the same poem) and also writes songs as part of The Orange (whose album ‘Concealed Exit’ is available on itunes, amazon, etc.). His infb02;uences are Ezra Pound, Carolyn Forche, Peire Vidal and Dar Williams. His book on Bruce Chatwin will be published in 2011 and he is currently translating Ingriod Thobois’ novel ‘Le Roi d’Afghanistan ne nous a pas maris’. Here are some of Kerry’s poems.
Helen Cusack O’Keefb00;e says: “I am part of the Irish diaspora (ie subspecies), I was fb01;rst drawn to the other end of Europe, studying Russian literature. I spent several months in Moscow, Siberia and Petersburg. Afb05;er some dithering and dabbling at the Refugee Council and similar organisations, I studied a social work MA, researching bereavement in sufb00;erers of severe mental illness. Later, I pored over Mesoamerican archaeology for a year, and tried to learn an esoteric Mayan language. Since 2008 I’ve been based in Paris, where I write four days a week, and I regularly read at writers forums. On the other three days I work in a psychiatric team for homeless people in central London. Bitterns Last Folly is a vast nineteenth century thing about the bizarre Bittern family and their various obsessions: chiefb02;y exotic archaeology and the rituals of Victorian mourning. An adapted extract from it is being published this April in an anthology of Anglophone writers living in France (Tightrope Press, Canada). ”
Here’s the facebook event.
steve dalachinsky, Yuko Otomo, and Nina Karacosta
steve dalachinsky, Yuko Otomo, and Nina Karacosta
downstairs at Carr’s Pub, 1 rue du Mont Thabor, M Tuileries
7:30pm, 15th February 2011
There’s a facebook event for the facebook addicts.
steve dalachinsky is from Brooklyn, New York. His work has appeared extensively in journals on & ofb00; line, in many chapbooks, books, and CDs. Yuko Otomo is a bilingual (Japanese & English) poet & a visual artist (in pursuit of Pure Abstraction). Nina Karacosta is an actor and poet, who will launch her new chapbook at Poets Live.