01 2019 02 2019 educating girls my dad’s opinionson educating girls :-( русский lingo arts & egohas been translated way to work an anglo krimble my childhoodcelebrations spoken word Invited to read atParis Spoken Word who am i who am i, whatis this website? windows phone thisbeautiful corpse prynne i continue to enjoyj h prynne’s poetry irish weather why irish weatherremains the best handshake the symbolism ofa political handshake faceboot falls my theories on whyfaceboot is failing jabra halo a slow review ofthese headphones brigmore witches a good game,a fitting end EU & US GDP the European economiesgrow faster belgium what are my chancesof getting work avoiding attention to look less likean American tourist? dunwall not a bad add-onto dishonoured at all backfilling why i copy myposts elsewhere here 12 2018