potato press

Potato Press is a very small press, a very small press indeed. It's really me, Dylan Harris, self-publishing under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike copyleft licence.


Various A5 chapbooks, organised, roughly, by date. More details can be found here. Dead tree copies can be purchased from Peter Riley Books, 27 Sturton Street, Cambridge CB1 2QC (01223 327455).

# title detail
content poems by chapbook
20.0n tin rush 24pp
20.0m the A rush 20pp
20.0l engineering rush again 20pp
20.0k Miss Demeanour 28pp
20.0j flock state 28pp
20.0i be infinity 28pp
20.0h Namings 24pp
20.0g nation six dog 28pp
20.0f uncivil law 40pp
20.0e dead write 24pp
20.0d chase chase 24pp
20.0c an engineering rush 28pp
20.0b … a much for we … 28pp
20.0a The Joy Of Tax 28pp
19.9c Inn 24pp
19.9b Swoop 24pp
19.9a An Ode To The A14 24pp
19.8c Rose 28pp
19.8b Hymnen 20pp
19.8a Darmstadt 28pp
index Only lists poems in chapbooks


This old stuff is no longer available on dead trees, unless you make some yourself.

I put together some assemblies of my poetry to see if I could raise the money for a round in the pub after a poetry reading. These assemblies simply represent all my work on paper; the poems are not selected. They are:

These four collections are copylefted. You can copy, modify and distribute them yourselves, subject to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike licence, or the original General Arts Licence. In the unlikely event you want to use some of my work free of copyleft, contact me. Neither licence is exclusive.

You can download copies of the files I used to generate the copyleft booklets. For various reasons, these files are in Microsoft Office 2000 format. If you are unhappy about using a propriety product to reproduce a copyleft work, you can recreate the booklets entirely using the original material found on this site. I'll admit that I had intended to get Word to generate HTML versions of the booklets for reproduction, but what it produced was codswallop. Visit each collection to get the contents for your duplication.

image: poetry





tin rush 20.0n
the A rush 20.0m
engineering rush again 20.0l
Miss Demeanour 20.0k
flock state 20.0j
be infinity 20.0i
Namings 20.0h
nation six dog 20.0g
uncivil law 20.0f
dead write 20.0e
chase chase 20.0d
an engineering rush 20.0c
… a much for we … 20.0b
The Joy Of Tax 20.0a
Inn 19.9c
Swoop 19.9b
An Ode To The A14 19.9a
Rose 19.8c
Hymnen 19.8b
Darmstadt 19.8a

blue wail and flashing siren
glare back at the emptiness
ranting poesie
push pop the lingo lads



this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978-2025 dylan harris