
31 Added big town blues (xiii) :: brushing the homeland.
27 Edited big town blues (xii) :: je vais la vie & strangers’ pavement, big town blues (xiii) :: kick le foot off & over the clouds, plus about, contact, ©, map and product.
26 Added big town blues (xiii) :: kick le foot off & over the clouds.
25 Added poets’ recordings at wurmfest.
21 Added big town blues (xii) :: je vais la vie.
20 Added and edited big town blues (xii) :: airport, bucket, hail, low city of decline, morose, desolée & strangers’ pavement. Edited recent entries in 2009 & 2010 tannoy. Edited skelet centraal.
19 Posted a final entry in the 2009 tannoy, & created the 2010 tannoy. Yeah, it’s a little early to move them on, but Paris is the obvious point to split.
18 Slowly catching up after wurmfest. Added fotos books, cabaret, friday & saturday.
1 Edited big town blues (xi) :: number number, —wenty t—, beloved, more, conflicted, and confer the same bad, remeasure their pond & do you wanna dance.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved