angst cycle (iii)
[ζ] (xix)

i don’t want us to be friends

i wouldn’t handcuff a friend
i wouldn’t frogmarch her to the bedroom
i wouldn’t throw her on the bed
i wouldn’t tear her skirt off
i wouldn’t rip what protection she has left
i wouldn’t force her down and hold her there
i wouldn’t tell her to stop fucking moaning and do what i want if she doesn’t want to be hurt
i wouldn’t tell her you’ve fucking touched that i told you not to touch that referring to her cunt
i wouldn’t stroke her exposed flesh and say you see this it’s too fucking good to waste like that
i wouldn’t hold her down and force her to stay there
i wouldn’t pull her hair so she moaned
i wouldn’t take her
i wouldn’t ram her at all

i don’t do that to friends
i’ll do that to my woman
a woman whose lusted that too
i’d do that to my woman

friendship might decorate as well
but the base of the combine
will not be friends
it will be mates
and if they exclude each other

i don’t want us to be friends

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