
29 Promoted and then there’s the mediocre mouths. Added arts to the poetry subject index. Added MP3s of dragons, generational, Higg’s Boson, restaurant wall, satoriial, Sprache and swan.
27 Added podcasts of ICE and mechelen scene.
26 Edited and then there’s the mediocre mouths.
25 Added and then there’s the mediocre mouths. Edited generational.
23 Added a video of peered.
9 Added a recital of Animal Magnetism. Tidied up the miscellaneous pages, removing those no longer relevant.
8 Hearing the sad news of Stockhausen’s death has sent me checking out my morbid poems. I’ve edited I Don’t Visit My Mother’s Grave, Lost Sanctuary, shrines, still biting and Old Funeral Music.
4 Edited restaurant wall (was a restaurant wall).
2 Edited and promoted a restaurant wall (was wood). Prepared more Devon Garde movies. Initialised dylanharris.eu, for professional stuff.

this archive is hosted by arts & ego
© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved