
30 Edited and promoted clip monopoly (was clip monotony).
29 Added clip monotony.
28 Edited church is dangerous vital.
27 Edited chuff or that’s why the fragging counterstrike, pit air G, & my reviews of Western Desperado and Half Life 2.
22 Remixed early winter rose image: icon.
21 Set early winter rose image: icon. Added reviews of Prisoner Of War, Western Desperado and Half Life 2.
20 Added Eyebrow Shampoo.
19 Edited bus.
18 Edited Why The Black Background?.
16 Edited Why The Black Background? and my review of Visual C++ 7.1.
14 Added Why The Black Background? which quickly became a prose poem. So it’s now in prose and poetry. Edited Cats Created The West and Store Flyers.
13 Added Cats Created The West and Store Flyers.
4 Diana Nesbitt of UK Translator has translated some poems from 20.0g nation six dog into Russian: Не понимаю, Довойны Буша, Виадук & Трижды порочная. I’ve created a translate poetry index, and tidied other indices up.
3 Promoted and recorded chuff or that’s why the fragging counterstrike. Edited and recorded 5.5.5 and afterword. Merely recorded bus, dentist and e number. Reorganised the poetry date page by year, rather than period. Some of the 1980s may be inaccurate; the dates in my version control database are obviously wrong—unless I really did write about political events five years before they happened.
1 Edited and promoted 5.5.5 (was 28.5.5), bus, dentist and e number. Added chuff or that’s why the fragging counterstrike.

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