
31 Added untitled :: (vi).
27 Added obama schwätzt lëtzebuergesch?!
26 Added more presets. Changed the front.
19 Added knowledge, not rules (to be edited), auto (iii), family (ii), family (iii) and more presets. Edited rescan.
18 Added utrecht :: (xii) & (xiii), and amsterdam :: (xxviii), (xxix) & (xxx).
17 Added utrecht, honey bee [ K (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) ] and started rescanning colour negatives with peterborough (ii). Restructured all blogs, again.
16 Added utrecht :: (x) & (xi), and amsterdam :: (xxv), (xxvi) & (xxvii).
10 Added more presets.
8 Added more presets.
7 Added and edited sea nerd summer on tax authorities. Added more presets.
6 My sea nerd summer winner’s statement. More old photos, auto (i) & london. With that, monochrome is rescanned.
5 More sea nerd summer, this time on diplomacy and konscht am gronn.
4 More sea nerd summer, on animal self–awareness and autoimmune diseases.
3 A couple more sea nerd summer, on windows phone and spatial attribute.
1 Edited various sea nerd interlude.
ancient front