swlc usage
This is usage for version 0.0.7 (sorry).
swlc [arg...] [site]
Test the website found in the directory site. The default site is the current directory. The directory must include an entire website; attempting to check part of one just confuses swlc.
swlc outputs to standard out.
--debug, -d
Output debug messages and do some sanity testing.
--extension xxx, -x xxx
Files with xxx extensions are html files; check them. This switch can be repeated. The default is html.
--external, -e
Check external links.
--help, -h
Display some simple help text.
--index xxxx, -i xxxx
The standard index file is xxxx. There is no default.
--microformat, -m
Report broken microformat links on itemtype tags. Since this can appear on any HTML element, this check slows swlc down.
--once, -o
When reporting broken external links, only report a particular link once, even if it occurs in lots of files.
--revoke, -r
Do NOT check to see if ssl certificates have been revoked. Requires -e.
On systems with older versions of curl, such as macos, you will need this.
--site xxxx, -s xxxx
This is the website’s url.
Treat any external http or https urls with this name as internal.
This switch can be repeated.
--verbose, -v
Output lots of verbiage.
--version, -V
Display the current version.
--virtual xxxx=yyyy, -l xxxx=yyyy
The website directory xxxx is a virtual directory,
which can be found in the local directory yyyy.
This switch can be repeated.
--301, -3
Report permanent forwarding errors, e.g. 301 and 308. Requires -e.
swlc -e -x html -s example.com -s example.org
Test a website in the current directory. Verify external links. HTML files always have an .html extension. The external names for the website are example.com and example.org.
swlc -v -x html -x htm -l cgi-bin=E:\Test -s example.com -i index.html D:\www
Test a website in d:\www. Output verbiage. HTML files can have .html or .htm extensions. There is a virtual directory, cgi-bin, which can be found as given. The external name for the website is example.com. There is a default index page, and it’s index.html.