an engineering rush (iii)

interference wrinkles
the inside
our reality hypersphere

not only does this context
a before the great began
a beyond a hawking fin

all the possibilities
those imaginable and not
everything that can
turns out to be
everything that is
the alternatives that interfere
the reality hypersphere

tuned–in interference
between realities
wavelengths of time
& so many more
true & glorious real maybes

was there before the great began
so the great began
is just a great began
where is the earliest great began
our time is just within
a before and after that
is before and after
a length inside a balloon

but so
if there is no beyond the fin
what’s outside the rim
what’s surrounds our every we

if everything that could
is interference of time
what’s out

not that
the unknown is no place to plant a God
it is an empty lack of soil that’s soon turned over
to knowledge
it is a place those who’ve lost their faith
but not their fear
plant what they now need to believe is real

the unknown is nothing more
or less
than a challenge
to know

those who recite dull formulae of pixies
no doubt
some of their imaginary friends
really are green

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved