an engineering rush (vi)

in the first microsecond they say
in the first few seconds
in the first a hundred thousand years
in the first few billion

but no i think
in the first magnitude i think
in the second
in the third
i think

each is roughly an equal measure
the power nth of one before
from our eyes
our eyes

but perhaps in terms of change
in terms of change
just nth the size
just nth the time
slowed down
just twice the complexity
one two log three log four
measure change
not time
measure change

not bus timetables
bus timetables
stops and starts and growing routes
stops and starts
longer ways
stops and starts
growing routes not bus stops

but xeno’s halves
xeno’s halves
worn the other way
xeno’s halves
worn the other way

not so soon
the end of our time
our time
not so soon
the heat death
the heat death of the universe

just another transition
is it
longer slower
longer slower
longer slower
longer slower

as we are the previous states
as we are the previous states
but if you look the
something like the same

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