
23 Rerecorded 95, armchair firefighting (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi), la chanson du singe, Empty Land, fallons, finse (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi), ignoring the …, sometimes a guy just needs a beer beer & poetry white the train i am the air not ten stroke no cliché i am hit from quake 2 i’ve seen he’s not me so tail up, weekend and wing mirror.
22 Recorded 21st century mechanical, talking beer, lege land, looking the jungle foliage, stole, watch the water and all hands (iii).
21 Edited and promoted stole. Edited watch the water.
20 Added stole.
14 Edited and promoted talking beer.
13 Added and edited talking beer.
11 Added, edited and promoted looking the jungle foliage and 21st century mechanical. Edited all hands (iii).
7 Edited and promoted watch the water and all hands (iii).
6 Added and edited all hands (iii).
5 Added and edited watch the water.
3 As part of my reading at Wurm im Apfel on Dec. 17th, I’ve a chapbook coming out.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved