
30 Edited and promoted 8.11.3 and a then, edited core and Poetry :: select.
27 Edited 8.11.3, a then and core.
26 Edited 8.11.3, a then and core. Never Bury Poetry 59 arrived with shrines inside. I didn’t know it had been accepted. An unexpected pleasing surprise.
25 Added core.
18 Edited Democracy, Elections and Counting Software.
16 Promoted early a into the Poetry sequence. Added Democracy, Elections and Counting Software. Renamed Being Watched (was You’re Being Watched) on haze. Edited blog, 8.11.3, a then and Fugue Pop Music (was Pop Song For Guy Fawkes), adding it to the Fugues. Moved degrammar from subject to form.
15 Edited 8.11.3, a then and early a.
14 Edited a then and early a.
13 Edited a then and early a.
12 Added a then and early a. Edited northumberland and discard :: 1.
9 Edited 8.11.3.
8 Added 8.11.3. Edited be infinity, The Cause Of War, The Daily Dalek :: Scared Of Spiders, dead write, discard :: 1 3 4 6 7 8, england corrupted, fuddle, garden, ghost, her ran, Instructions For A Common Ceremony, oh dear what a pity there there, poetry :: pah!, Reply and when the morons declared war.
7 Edited and promoted nation six dog (renamed from six dog).
6 Added six dog. Edited Pop Song For Guy Fawkes and green.
5 Added and promoted Pop Song For Guy Fawkes. Edited still biting and glist 1.
3 Edited be infinity, Bush War, dead write, garden, intelligence still booting, oh dear what a pity there there, northumberland and server room.
2 Edited glist 2, my slow review of Lavazza Qualité Rossa, uncivil law’s injustice, restoring the deleted section of consent as democracy.
1 Edited and promoted her ran (was the ran), early winter rose, glist 3 (was 2) and 4 (was 3). Moved discard 9 to glist 2. Edited easter sunday.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved