
31 Edited glist and Bush War. Connected Potato Press to prose, editing the introduction.
30 Edited the epigram on USA Israel, an engineering rush :: new scientist, glist, ghost and Bush War.
27 Edited my draft General Arts Licence.
25 Edited glist.
24 Added Bush War. Edited Angst Cycle :: Father and glist.
23 Introduced the Potato Press.
22 Edited my draft General Arts Licence.
21 Edited Box Number, November Rain, Angst CycleFatherWatford Gap, Memories of Shadows, Words, Wake Up, Wake Up, Oh Slippery Snake, Laughter Rose Above My Tired Desire, Nursery Verse For Nursery Heads, Scenes From a Blackpool ConferenceAfter Silent Years, Why Am I In Politics, You Ask, It Must Be Christmas, North Of Kylesku, Working For…, Cavity Wall Insulation, Fenland Sketch24, Old Funeral Music, I Saw A Sleek Seduction and An Ode To My Ego.
20 Edited an engineering rushthe argumentoh godsrushed off, unanswering, epigramsal–qaida, harvest, i’d prefer to remember summer scratby, sharp, sod the world, sweet and stupid, There’s Money in Mechanics, uncivil lawinjusticewrongcriminalbones and WaterThree Flawed.
19 Edited my draft General Arts Licence, its introduction, we, the fell and ghost.
18 Created a new general arts licence subsection to prose, moved pages into it, and added discussions on why and non–exclusivity.
17 Edited ghost.
16 Edited my draft General Arts Licence, and its introduction.
15 Added ghost, edited epigramsscienceal–qaida, expanding horizons, harvest, the three monks, and poetry’s select.
14 Edited england corrupted, poetry’s select, an engineering rush’s another bitch (was random luck), new scientist, oh gods (was theology), recreated arts, a song so dire, the argument, the game and unanswering (was the anitrant).
13 Edited my draft General Arts Licence, and its introduction.
12 Edited my draft General Arts Licence, its introduction, and uncivil law’s bailiff, bones, criminal, complexity, flame, health, injustice, invention, parliament, piano, smirk and wrong. I keep forgetting how good this sequence is.
10 Edited Auto–Job.
8 Promoted when the trains first came; promoted pah! into the poetry series; edited the draft General Arts Licence, and its introduction.
7 Edited Old Windows and Why I Don’t Like Apple. Introduced my draft General Arts Licence, and its introduction. This Licence does not yet apply to any artworks on this site. I rearranged the prose section, and renamed An Auto–Job to Auto–Job.
5 Revisted my model photos; decided I’d neglected some good Lisa shots; they’re now Lisa 5. Edited when the trains first came.
4 Added a photo to Lisa 4, edited Pah, when the trains first came, Old Windows, All Boots Are Size 11, Sir, Reusing Old Computers, Reconditioning Computers, Why I Don’t Like Apple and Operating Systems.
2 Added Why I Don’t Like Apple, renamed What I Think Of Windows as Old Windows.
1 Split the new software opinion into What I Think Of Windows, All Boots Are Size 11, Sir, Reusing Old Computers, Reconditioning Computers, Operating Systems and This Site, and edited An Auto–Job.

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© 1978–2025 dylan harris   some rights reserved